The iconic illustrator has passed away. Snoop Dogg has announced that his cousin, Darryl “Joe Cool” Daniel, has passed away. He mourned the late artist in a tribute on Instagram on Tuesday while sharing a video of the two of them backstage at a concert. In the caption, he wrote: “R. I. P. [prayer hands emoji, crying emoji] my big cuzn joe cool.” Cool is best known for his work with Snoop which included the album cover for Doggystyle. Snoop and Joe Cool's cousin, Daz Dillinger, also paid tribute to the late artist in a post on Instagram. “REST N PEACE DARYL JOE COOL DANIEL [explosion emoji, 100 emoji] MY BIGG CUZZN THIS REALLY HURTS WE GREW UP TOGETHER U WAS THERE FROM DAY ONE IM GONE REALLY REALLY MISS U BIGG CUZ [prayer hands emoji],” he wrote. Read More: The Art Of "Doggystyle": How Snoop Dogg's Cover Shaped Hip-Hop Album Art Snoop Dogg Performs At Launch Of "Gin & Juice By Dre & Snoop" UK Launch Of 'Gin & Juice By Dre And Snoop'...
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